C-Section Scar Revision
Mr Banwell from The Banwell Clinic (locations in Sussex, Kent and London) specialises in the treatment of scarring and in particular in the tidying up/revision of Caesarian section scars.
A C-section, or caesarean section treatment, is typically performed as an emergency when there maybe some delay in normal (vaginal) childbirth but it can also be a planned elective procedure. C-section delivery requires making an opening incision low down on the abdomen just above the pubic region. This is an invasive operation in which the incision can be long with associated scarring. In most cases, the obstetric surgeon performing the c-section will make a lower incision so that the scar tissue will be as low and inconspicuous as possible, especially when wearing a bikini or underwear. In certain cases, the position of the baby prior to delivery may require a vertical cut, rather than the usual type of horizontal incision. Please remember that the appearance of the scar following childbirth is not a prime concern, especially in emergency cases, and thus plastic surgery may be required to improved the appearance of the scar, contour irregularities, indentations and any residual overhang or pouch.
Scar appearance
Each and every type and size of operation which requires an incision, large or small, typically leaves a permanent scar. The appearance and the quality of the scar depend on a patient’s genetics, healing process, skin conditions, the suture material used and the suturing technique performed by the surgeon. Fresh, new C-section scars that have not yet matured will appear raised and red – this is normal. However, over time the appearance of the scar will usually improve and fade into a white line. Regular massage twice a day with moisturisers will help enormously. Mr Banwell and his team would be happy to advise on scar management.
Scar Revision
In some cases where the scar is less than ideal (lumpiness, raised and red, itchy, indented, contour issues), a patient may desire to treat it with scar revision surgery, where the old scar is removed (cut-out) and the new incision is closed and healed under less tension. This repair and removal procedure (scar revision by an expert plastic surgeon) can result in a thinner and less visible scar. Mr Banwell would be happy to consult and advise regarding the best approach for you.
Additional procedures
In some patients, there may be an overhang or loose skin associated with a poor C-section scar. A “mummy” or postpartum make-over may therefore be possible and in actual fact, a mini tummy tuck or full tummy tuck might be a more appropriate operation. Click here for mini-tummy tuck information or here for full tummy tuck information.
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