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01342 330302

Thigh Lift London


Getting the perfectly sculpted thighs you’ve always dreamed of is possible with a thigh lift in London by award-winning surgeon Paul Banwell.

Paul Banwell is an exceptional plastic and cosmetic surgeon with decades of experience and a reputation for excellence. As one of London’s top plastic surgeons, he is dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals through a thigh lift in London.


If you’re struggling with loose skin or excess fat in your thigh area, our thigh lift procedure can provide a solution. Through advanced surgical techniques, Paul Banwell can remove excess skin and fat, resulting in a firmer and more toned appearance.

The Banwell Clinics can be found in Harley Street, London, Tunbridge Wells and East Grinstead. 

Get in touch online, call 01342 330302 or email for more information about thigh lift London with Paul Banwell.


What is a thigh lift?

Thigh lift surgery, also known as thighplasty, is a popular cosmetic procedure aimed at improving the appearance and contour of the thighs. This surgical intervention targets excess skin and fat in the thigh area, resulting in smoother, firmer and more toned-looking legs.


Is thigh lift surgery worth it?

One of the key benefits of thigh lift surgery is its ability to address aesthetic concerns that cannot be effectively treated through diet and exercise alone. Many individuals struggle with loose or sagging skin on their thighs due to factors such as ageing, significant weight loss or genetic predisposition. 

Thigh lift surgery offers a solution by removing excess skin and tightening the underlying tissues to create a more youthful and proportionate lower body appearance.

Apart from enhancing one’s physical appearance, thigh lift surgery can also provide functional benefits. Patients who have experienced chafing or irritation due to excess skin rubbing together may find relief after undergoing this procedure. 

Individuals who have previously struggled with finding clothing that fits comfortably may discover newfound confidence in their ability to wear various styles without discomfort or self-consciousness.


Are there any risks associated with thigh surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, it is important to consider potential risks associated with thigh lift surgery. Common risks include infection, bleeding, scarring, numbness or altered sensation in the treated area, asymmetry between both thighs and fluid accumulation (seroma). 

However, these risks can be minimised by carefully selecting a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who follows proper safety protocols and provides post-operative care instructions.


What is recovery like after a thigh lift?

The recovery process following a thigh lift typically involves some downtime for rest and healing. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities for several weeks after surgery while gradually returning to normal daily routines under Paul Banwell’s guidance.


Why choose Paul Banwell for a thigh lift in London?

Paul Banwell is an internationally trained, award-winning plastic and cosmetic surgeon with many accolades to his name. He is a well-respected and highly knowledgeable expert in the field of thigh lift surgery. 


Outstanding results

Thigh Lift London With his exceptional skills and expertise, he consistently achieves remarkable results that enhance the appearance of his patients’ physiques by delivering optimal results. Patients can have full confidence in his expertise to produce stunning outcomes.


A personalised approach

No two bodies are alike, which is why we believe in a personalised approach to thigh lifts. During your consultation, Paul Banwell will carefully assess your unique needs and create a tailored treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns.


A safe and comfortable experience

Your safety and comfort are our top priorities at The Banwell Clinic. Paul Banwell invests in state-of-the-art facilities and techniques to ensure that your procedure is performed with utmost care. Our team will be there to support you every step of the way, providing guidance and answering any questions you may have.


How much does a thigh lift cost in London?

You can view the prices for a thigh lift in London with Paul Banwell on our treatment page. Please get in touch to book an initial consultation if you’d like to know more about this cosmetic procedure.


Book a consultation

Get in touch to find out more about thigh surgery with Paul Banwell. Book a consultation online, call 01342 330302 or email


Where to find us

The Banwell Clinic
19 Harley Street


Mr Banwell had by far the best experience and training for the procedure I needed; I was thrilled with the results. I was very pleased with everything. I was looked after by an amazing nurse and the results definitely made it worthwhile.

Megan L.


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The Banwell Clinic is recognised as a boutique cosmetic clinic specialising in all aspects of skin health and our philosophy is to help Protect, Restore & Rejuvenate your face and body.  Our extensive portfolio of treatments include injectables, thread lifts, plasma shower, luxurious signature facials, acne treatments, microdermabrasion, hair removal and cellulite treatments, all carried out in a friendly, warm environment by an expert team.

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