We are delighted to say that after 3 months of being closed due to COVID-19, we are now re-opening The Banwell Clinic on 15th June in London, Harley Street. Our Headquarters in East Grinstead will also re-open as soon as we are able.
In light of all the issues with COVID, and as we are sure you can understand, we have had to take significant steps to maximise and ensure your safety (and indeed the safety of our staff). These have been implemented specifically by the CQC-regulated establishments where Mr Banwell and his Team provide care.
On-line Video Consultations
On-line video consultation have now become the gold standard when assessing patients for the first time and this will become the ‘new normal’. In accordance with Government guidelines, face to face examinations should be minimised other than for essential examinations, treatments, surgical procedures and post-procedure wound assessments. Elsewhere in the world (especially in the United States, Australia and countries with large travel distances) video and telephone consultations have been the norm for some years and minimise travel time, expense and provide a relaxed, non-stressful environment to consult with your surgeon in a private setting. Insurance companies are also actively supporting these arrangements too for skin cancer assessments and follow ups.
Face to Face Consultations
All patients attending the clinic for face to face consultations will be sent a COVID screening questionnaire that must be completed prior to the appointment. If any answers to this questionnaire raise any “red flags” or concerns, you will be contacted and if necessary, the appointment re-arranged.
In addition, we would kindly request that any patient attending the Banwell Clinic for an appointment arrives wearing a face mask or the nose and mouth covered. We would also request that you attend your appointment alone so we can minimise the number of people in the building at any one time. Please therefore arrive for your appointment on time and we apologise in advance if we have to turn you away if the restricted waiting areas are full.
Alcohol gel sanitiser stations will be available for you to use on arrival and departure from the clinic and please note that other strict protocols may also be in effect.
The clinic rooms will be thoroughly cleaned and wiped down between each appointment and at the end of each day, and Staff members of the Hospitals will be wearing appropriate PPE as set out by Public Health England and other authoritative bodies.
We realise that these new arrangements will take some time getting used to but nevertheless we appreciate your patience and understanding.
Is your clinic safe following the COVID-19 outbreak?
We are working hard to keep you safe. The wellbeing and satisfaction of our patients is of the utmost importance to us. As such, we have put strong processes in place to ensure your visit is safe.
Your experience may feel a little different to previous times, but your treatment outcome will be of the highest quality as always and all our team will ensure your visit is an enjoyable one, nonetheless.
Despite the fact that significant progress has been made in reducing the number of COVID infections in the UK, when you next visit The Banwell Clinic the virus will most likely still be present in our local communities to varying degrees.
If you, or anyone who lives with you, have symptoms related to COVID-19, please do not come to the clinic. These symptoms primarily include a dry cough and/or a temperature of 37.8°C or more. Other symptoms of the disease are less frequent but may affect you.
These include a loss of the sense of taste or smell, fatigue, confusion, sore throat, skin changes, vomiting and diarrhoea. However, we recommend that you inform your Doctor or Therapist at the earliest opportunity if you develop ANY symptoms of feeling unwell.
If you, your partner/spouse or another person who lives with you tests positive for COVID-19 on a PCR (Antigen) test, even if asymptomatic, please do not come to the clinic. The PCR test is the one in which swabs are taken from your mouth and nose.
How do I book an appointment?
help@paulebanwell.com. Please remember that on-line video consultations will be recommended in the first instance in accordance with government and national association guidelines.
Opening Date of The Banwell Clinic
We are re-opening our clinics from 15th June. We shall be spacing/staggering our treatments and appointment times in accordance with social distancing guidelines.
What safety measures do you have in place for when I visit a clinic?
What happens if I develop symptoms close to my appointment or procedure?
If you, or anyone who lives with you, have symptoms related to COVID-19, please do not come to the clinic. These symptoms primarily include a dry cough and/or a temperature of 37.8°C or higher. Other symptoms of the disease are less frequent but may affect you. These include a loss of the sense of taste or smell, fatigue, confusion, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhoea. However, we recommend that you inform a member of our reception team at the earliest opportunity if you develop ANY symptoms of feeling unwell. Please remember that you will need to fill out a questionnaire before
I have had COVID-19, can I go ahead with treatment?
Depending on the procedure, you may be tested for COVID-19, regardless of the fact you may have had it. This is to ensure the safety of staff and other patients.
Anyone who has had COVID-19, should follow government advice on the required time of self-isolation.
What aftercare will be available following my procedure during the COVID-19 outbreak?
Every procedure has a specific aftercare regime associated to it which will be clearly explained at the time of consultation.
Are you registered with the CQC?
The Banwell Clinic is committed to providing the highest quality treatments and patient care and work within premises registered with the Care Quality Commission.
The Banwell Clinic is recognised as a boutique cosmetic clinic specialising in all aspects of skin health and our philosophy is to help Protect, Restore & Rejuvenate your face and body. Our extensive portfolio of treatments include injectables, thread lifts, plasma shower, luxurious signature facials, acne treatments, microdermabrasion, hair removal and cellulite treatments, all carried out in a friendly, warm environment by an expert team.
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